Customer Service 561-689-0408


Digicare Values


Digicare values the environment. Our team takes consideration of the environment with everything we do. We understand that respecting our environment ensures that there will be one in the future.We know our choices have an effect in the future. We know our choices have an effect today as well as the many days to come. That is why we take pride in our decisions and path we have chosen. In all our steps from picking suppliers, manufacturing, and disposal.We purchase from those who use materials that respect our environment. We practice proper disposal of our materials which we use. For the packaging supplies we use, we always search for items which come from recyclable sources. Our partners must use eco-friendly and responsible orders to ensure they follow our policies.Each day we search for more ways that we can become more environmentally responsible. Here at Digicare we abide by Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. We strive to lessen the carbon foot print for our planet in which we share with other humans and animals.